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David M. Gurne
Designated Broker and Real Estate Agent
Focusing on Flagstaff and Northern Arizona

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View pictures of this  Property Listing featuring interior and exterior views of this real estate property.  View pictures of this  Property Listing featuring interior and exterior views of this real estate property.  View pictures of this  Property Listing featuring interior and exterior views of this real estate property.  View pictures of this  Property Listing featuring interior and exterior views of this real estate property.  View pictures of this  Property Listing featuring interior and exterior views of this real estate property.  View pictures of this  Property Listing featuring interior and exterior views of this real estate property.  View pictures of this  Property Listing featuring interior and exterior views of this real estate property.  View pictures of this  Property Listing featuring interior and exterior views of this real estate property.  View pictures of this  Property Listing featuring interior and exterior views of this real estate property.  View pictures of this  Property Listing featuring interior and exterior views of this real estate property.  View pictures of this  Property Listing featuring interior and exterior views of this real estate property.  View pictures of this  Property Listing featuring interior and exterior views of this real estate property.  View pictures of this  Property Listing featuring interior and exterior views of this real estate property.  View pictures of this  Property Listing featuring interior and exterior views of this real estate property.  View pictures of this  Property Listing featuring interior and exterior views of this real estate property.  View pictures of this  Property Listing featuring interior and exterior views of this real estate property.  View pictures of this  Property Listing featuring interior and exterior views of this real estate property.  View pictures of this  Property Listing featuring interior and exterior views of this real estate property.  View pictures of this  Property Listing featuring interior and exterior views of this real estate property. 
List Price: $
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Public Remarks:

"He is the hardest working professional in the field I have ever met." -- Jesse S.
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Copyright © 2012-2013. All Rights Reserved. The content of this Flagstaff real estate and MLS Map Search website is owned exclusively by David M Gurne, Designated Broker and Realtor specializing in buying and selling homes using an unique Eagle-Eye MLS Search Map feature for in Flagstaff and Northern Arizona. All real estate images of Flagstaff houses, Flagstaff condos, Flagstaff townhouses, Flagstaff land and Flagstaff properties, Flagstaff vacation rentals, and Flagstaff commercial real estate may only be used with the express permission of our realtor and realty agency (excepting images provided and copyrighted by Google Maps and the MLS Property Search Listing service).

Northern AZ MLS Property Search Listing Directory

David M Gurne, Flagstaff Broker and Realtor, follows the guidelines set out by the National Fair Housing Alliance in accordance with Equal Housing Opportunity real estate laws.